SELECT CONCAT( "" , dm.demographic_no, "" ) As "Dem#", concat ('', be.billing_no , "") as "inv#" , CASE bh.status when "O" then 'BILL OHIP' when "B" then 'SENT (SUBMITTED)' when "S" then 'SETTLED' END as Status, substring(bh.comment1, 1,10) as comment, substring(concat(dm.last_name, ", ", dm.first_name), 1 , 25) as Name, be.hin , be.ver as oldVC, dm.ver as CurVC , be.code as "Code", be.code_date as "BillDate", be.claim_error as Err , be.code_error as CErr , bec.description as "Error Description" FROM billing_on_eareport be , billing_on_cheader1 bh , demographic dm , billing_on_errorCode bec WHERE be.billing_no = and dm.demographic_no = bh.demographic_no and (be.claim_error = bec.code or be.code_error = bec.code) and ( be.code_error <> "" or be.claim_error <> "" ) and be.providerohip_no LIKE "{ohip_no}" and be.code_date >= "{dateFrom}" and be.code_date <= "{dateTo}" ORDER BY be.code_date DESC; SELECT "%" AS ohip_no, 'all providers' AS provider UNION SELECT ohip_no, concat(last_name,',',first_name,'(', ohip_no,')') from provider WHERE status='1' AND provider_type='doctor' and ohip_no > 1 ORDER BY ohip_no;